I am a PhD Candidate in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington, advised by Noah Smith. I am interested in education, creativity, and supporting human activity with thoughtful AI-assisted tools.
I received my BSOF in classical violin performance and computational linguistics at the Jacobs School of Music and was active in the indie game development scene from 2016-2023.
I chase the wind, hunt for food (ask me for highly opinionated Lists), and some of my favorite games are Furi, the Touhou series, and Bloodborne.
I taught UW CSE481D: Games Capstone in Winter 2023 and TA'd in Spring 2021. In a mere 8 weeks, students took a game concept to publication, with multiple rounds of data-informed iteration. Check out their games!Research
* indicates equal contribution
Nikita Haduong and Noah A. Smith.
In Submission. Paper
Nikita Haduong, Irene Wang, Bo-Ru Lu, Prithviraj Ammanabrolu, and Noah A. Smith.
Bo-Ru Lu, Nikita Haduong, Chien-Yu Lin, Hao Cheng, Noah A Smith, and Mari Ostendorf.
In submission. Paper
Bo-Ru Lu*, Nikita Haduong*, Chia-Hsuan Lee, Zeqiu Wu, Hao Cheng, Paul Koester, Jean Utke, Tao Yu, Noah A Smith, and Mari Ostendorf.
Nikita Haduong, Alice Gao, and Noah A. Smith.
In Findings of ACL (2023). Paper.
Elizabeth Clark, Tal August, Sofia Serrano, Nikita Haduong, Suchin Gururangan, and Noah A. Smith
In ACL (2021); Outstanding Paper award. Paper.
Nikita Haduong*, David Nester*, Preethi Vaidyanathan, Emily Prud’hommeaux, Reynold Bailey, and Cecilia O Alm
In Workshops at AAAI (2018), Affective Content Analysis track. Paper.
Can Liu, Wen Li, Bradford Demarest, Yue Chen, Sara Couture, Daniel Dakota, Nikita Haduong, Noah Kaufman, Andrew Lamont, Manan Pancholi, Kenneth Steimel, and Sandra Kübler.
In SemEval-2016. Paper.